
Posts tagged with :dark_sunglasses:

Right now I’m working on creating a pair of LED glasses from scratch for #onboard with a completely custom designed-PCB. Once I finish the design and get a working prototype in the mail, I’ll make a tutorial. The way it will work is that each eye has a grid of LED lights on it, and you will be able to program it to flash pretty patterns while they’re on your face. The glasses themselves are purely PCB boards, no extra components (so there is a front piece in the shape of sunglasses that go in front of your eyes, then 2 PCB pieces that go behind your ears and hold that front piece to your face. Over the weekend I had a call with @ky200617 to help me figure out how to lay out the components because I had trouble fitting them all, so now I’m spacing all the parts out to make it easier to route them. I’ve removed all the wires from the design, and will be starting the wiring from scratch. Also, you’ll see the neopixels gone from the board- now I’m going to wire up the rest of the board first before laying out the LEDs.
I have neon pfp